We all know that feeling: that craving for something sweet by mid-afternoon after a day at work or emphasized at home or, which makes you wake up at night and run to the fridge looking for a cookie, ice cream or even a glass of milk. Do not invent it. ... It is true in your mind and your body which is called a dependency.
The addition of sugar begins at birth. Breastmilk is very sweet, so even kids begin to recognize the feeling they get from sweet foods. But once the body has experienced sugar sweet rewards, it doesn't take much time to be officially employee. Now, what is the cause of it? After eating something sugary, the brain releases natural chemicals opioid called (not ring any bell?), which give the body a feeling of pleasure. The brain then recognizes this feeling and begins to wish for even more. Researchers have identified that there are some areas of the brain (in particular, the hippocampus, the insula and the caudate nucleus) that are activated when a craving for sugar. There are also scientific evidence that shows that these same areas of the brain are activated when drug addicts crave; which shows how "real" is a sugar addiction can be. But actually what happens in your body when you eat sugar?
After sugar enters the bloodstream, the blood sugar levels increase, causing the pancreas to insulin release that is needed to convert sugar into energy. Insulin converts sugar into a source of instant energy, which explains the Jolt you get from a donut or a chocolate bar. After the release of high levels of insulin, blood sugar levels begin to decrease rapidly, resulting in an "accident" you feel a little after eating food containing high levels of sugar, insulin also stimulate the fat store when not too much energy is going to be used soon after. So if you eat a lot of sugar and you don't exercise immediately after ... you're on track to gain weight ... and be fat and not muscle precious!, sugar has also been linked to several diseases, including mood swings, depressed immune system and diabetes.
Recent studies show that opioids stimulated by sugar in your brain are similar to chemicals that stimulate the use of heroin and morphine ... scary enough? The same studies show that sugar also activates areas of the brain that reinforce behaviors. This means that, like heroin addiction, your body very soon learns to want more of the substance that makes you feel good and make you feel a real "need" it. To demonstrate this ..., suffice it to say that brain scans performed on human subjects have shown that the sight of ice cream in normal patients generated the same sensations of pleasure in the brain as images of pipes crack did for crack addicts? Once again ... very scary.
Now consider that the average American consumes about 160 kilos of sugar each year. This is not surprising when you consider that sugar is in everything from salad dressings to ketchup and canned soup, deli meat that sugar can be embedded in many products under many aliases. Common names for sugar sucrosemay include, fructose, dextroseand syrup high fructose corn, none of which actually sound like the word "sugar", but essentially the same meaning.Nowadays there is a campaign underway against high fructose corn syrup, but if you replace it with fructose to dextrose, you will have the same result ... Better not read the entire label before trusting the words "high fructose corn syrup" highlight in a lot of products. Even if you only have a can of regular (non-diet) soda (not the King size), you are consuming nearly 10 teaspoons of sugar, which is about the maximum recommended daily allowance.Sugar does not give that body a quick Boost of energy and a lot of consequences.
Finally some good news: the body needs only 72 hours to get read of dependence (like most medicines). So, when you start to get serious about diet, you can expect the first 3 days to be really, though, because your body will fight to keep his sense of pleasure, but after that ... is mostly mental!
Chiara Vagnone Yuuji was a professional rider and horse riding instructor for more than twenty years in Italy. For his profession, she has researched the lot ofl "alternative ways" to keep the body of an athlete in the best conditions for maintaining natural methods of execution and avoiding drugs.
The natural way to manage pain, increase energy, maintain weight, sleep better, check out his website: http://www.lifewave.com/naturalquest
For dieting and natural products obtained at: http://www.herbalhealthdirect.com/chiara