Heart attack is a traitor heath; you have no idea when it will cross the road. Occurs when the flow of blood and oxygen in a region of the heart is blocked, usually due to locking and a blood clot in the coronary artery. If the lock is not treated for several hours, the affected area in the heart dies and causes side effects.
Of course, as described, is a life-threatening condition, and it happens unexpectedly. Over a million people in the United States alone suffer from heart attack and stroke each year and about half of these patients do not survive.
Heart attack is known medically as "myocardial infarction" or AMI. Other terms are "myocardial infarction" or "coronary thrombosis", "coronary occlusion or acute coronary syndrome".
The following list shows some of the known causes of heart attack.
This occurs because a blood clot prevents adequate blood flow in the coronary arteries. When the blood is able to reach the area of the heart, where applicable, the region lacks oxygen and will not function properly. If the blockage persists, the cells may die in this sector.
Coronary artery disease or CAD is the cause of most heart attacks. This condition is characterized by the narrowing of the arteries with plaque, accumulating in artery walls (a condition called atherosclerosis). In this case, when the arteries narrow, reduced the blood flowing in the heart. The disease may progress to completely block the artery and blood flow.
It is also possible when there are spasms in coronary artery. When the spasms are too tight or too strong temporarily can cut off blood flow to the heart. These cramps can be caused by:
1. emotional Stress
2. recruitment of some illegal drugs
3. exposure to extremely low temperatures and also;
4. cigarette smoke
In addition to these cases, there are also some factors that can cause heart attacks.
1. your age-men who are 45 or more and women who are 55 or older are more likely to develop CAD.
2. Family history or genetic. You have an increased risk of heart disease, if one of your immediate family, which is 55 years or less was diagnosed to have the disease.
3. Personal history. If you suffered from angina, or if you had a heart attack or cardiac surgery in the past, you are at a higher risk of having a heart attack.
There are also more likely to have a heart attack, if you are overweight; If you are a smoker or physically inactive; and if you have hypertension; high cholesterol or diabetes.
There are lots of ways to prevent heart attacks and it is up to you today. Call your doctor and asking what are the precautions can give more heads to get rid of this life-threatening condition. Also remember that healthy foods can make your heart healthier and better. Take care of your heart would mean a longer time to spend with your loved ones.
Ask your health provider what causes a heart attack can help a lot. Learn what causes a heart attack can be vital to prolong life. The heart brings the normal body functions so they learn to take care of it and learn to love it Yourself.