Sunday, May 29, 2011

How to live a successful life Fitness

at 10:41 PM

Dear Deborah

Question from Ann, NewYork City: every time I start a fitness program, life gets in the way, he stalled and before that I know I've fallen off the wagon and gained 5 lbs. You really can't afford a personal trainer, but I can see how we can help you stay on track. I tried DVD and classes without success. There is something out there that can help me?

Ann reply: thank you for your honesty, I know that many women have similar frustrations pursue their fitness lifestyle. There is a lot of new research out there in the Fitness world and that lack of research is a new hybrid of a personal trainer. You call Lifestyle Trainer, can provide both exercise and driving behavior and are a cheaper alternative to a Personal Fitness Trainer. I will address your question in the minds of a Fitness Lifestyle Coach so will catch a glimpse of how lifestyle fitness coaching process can work.

So, lets go down to the basics and defining the fitness, which includes three items. First you need a cardio challenge where the heart and breathing rate grew significantly. The second principle is the strength training where the muscles are challenged with the work of resistance. Thirdly, flexibility is the need to lengthen muscles to maintain mobility. Remember, you get stiff, then you get old. Trying to take on all three elements at the beginning can feel daunting, not so.

Choose an item that you like; all three are equally important, so choosing one can be the key to start a lifestyle in which you can participate. Once an element becomes a habit, because you like it, which usually takes 28 days, you can add another. Add each element gradually and in small doses to avoid overloading your car. Of course, if you like two or even all three fitness components, dedicate a small amount of time in every way with the successful experience with the designated time for each item. Be realistic in your allotment of time, if not you can live it you feel like a failure, so choose a smaller time frames and successful experience. I think the ' make a bit less and to emphasize the success and build self-confidence.

You need to find what motivates or turns on you, then you need to get motivated by a vision of Fitness. This vision involves using your imagination to project in your future. Ask yourself what it would look like to see yourself living your lifestyle fitness with success after a year or two? See how I'll look, Act, eat, sleep, etc until you can hear, see, smell, you breathe. Making it real as possible for yourself you'll start to feel the excitement in you. Now that it is always your mojo working for you.

Now set targets for you to make that vision happen. Where am I now? How can I get closer to that vision in 3 months/6 months? On a weekly basis, what should I do? Start with small weekly goals, so you may feel a sense of accomplishment each time you reach your goals. Then each week, add a little more challenging because you live to your objectives with success, self-esteem grows.

We all know how life gets in the way that progress is never linear. So get creative and see possible problems. In your mind playing out as these obstacles can stop and how you can find ways to work around them. In this way, when the problems are in your not taken by surprise and be better prepared to handle the situation, and stay on track with your fitness lifestyle.

Yes, assuming a trainer makes it easier to stay on track with your physical form, but doing it yourself can be satisfying, rewarding and empowering even more because you have thoughtfully come with their own solutions rather than following orders.

A Personal Trainer with exercise programs that challenge and keep progressing to higher levels of fitness. Where as a Lifestyle Fitness Coach challenges you to creativity, problem solving, to know themselves better and overcome barriers, helping you to break old habits, build trust to develop new and healthier, so you can maintain a lifestyle of fitness independently.

A Lifestyle Fitness Coach will also give a training session, once a week and a specific address needs exercise. You can find a preparer going to or just google Lifestyle Fitness coaches.

I'd love to hear from you, questions, comments, problems, achievements deb@vitalsignsfitness.comemail. Now go out there and get your mojo working!

Deborah Caruana RN, MES, CPT, FLCoach. Http://www.vitalsignsfitness.comWeb:

DEBORAH is a highly respected authority in the training of personnel for the overall health and fitness, with more than 22 years of experience and success. His credentials include ...

Currently licensed rehabilitative nursing nurse

Exercise: medical specialist certified by a certification AAHFRP internationally recognized physical rehabilitation

Maternity Pre & Post Natal specialist certified by maternal Fitness

Personal Fitness Expert: certified by NASM, an internationally recognized certification

Lifestyle Fitness Coach certified by Wellcoaches Corp. endorsed by ACSM.

Yoga teacher

Professional Member organization of Health Fitness instructors (IDEA), an organization of leading health and fitness professionals