Doctors made thousands of years ago that the stagnation of the toxins in the body is the main cause of ailments such as headache, muscle aches, premature aging, depression and hypertension. Our modern day ailments such as stress, tension, anxiety and others can be caused by blocks and toxins that usually are not aware of ... To treat and get the source of these disorders; practitioners used revolutionary treatments such as acupuncture and cupping therapy.
Cupping therapy, while not as well known as acupuncture, dating back to before 1500 Bc and has been practiced in many cultures of the world, is based on a vacuum effect drawing of blood and lymph to skin surface or vacuumby helping the body eliminate toxins, improves blood circulation and removing toxic stagnation. Cupping therapy is growing in popularity as an alternative and holistic treatment of physical health problems, emotional and physiological.
The only documented side-effect or down on the side of being the "marking" or bruising of the skin, a trademark red or blue like a bite of love that could last a few days or weeks, still is not painful at all.
Many celebrities, Paris Hilton, Gwyneth Paltrow, Britney Spears and others, have boldly used cupping in their exploration of natural treatments, the Western world, in its quest for healing fast or rapid detoxification is generally too image-conscious to accept treatment that leaves large, unsightly marks-no matter what the results.
Enter the Bellabaci cupping massage.
This massage technique, which uses the cups Bellabaci to create a suction or vacuum similar to that obtained with Chinese cupping therapy or Hajama, has delivered outstanding results to clients complain about everything from stretch marks, scars and chronic muscular pain, celluliteheadaches and arthritis.
Working off the same principle as cupping massage Bellabaci uses "withdrawals" from medical silicone instead of glass or plastic and is applied to the skin to create a suction effect, then moved over the skin in a relaxed setting up/down, zig-zag or massage with circular movements. Vacuum blood drawing the skin surface, giving the skin tissue with nutrients and oxygen while simultaneously removing toxins from the body.
It is not uncommon to see oil applied before and during the massage becomes Brown or even black-this is the visible evidence of toxins released through the skin, may be alarming but serves as an indication that the method works in drawing toxins of stagnation and hidden.
Bellabaci-which means "beautiful kisses" in English-will leave some redness on the skin, based on the amount of stagnation in the body-but this will usually disappear after a couple of hours.
Masseurs realize that they need to offer their customers a more permanent result for their beauty and health concerns, and once trained, they understand the science behind the Bellabaci massage and why it works so well. With welts daunting of cupping deleted, but kept the therapeutic effects, massage Bellabaci is unlike any other available on the market today.
What has limited women to get really excited, however, is the effect it has on cellulite and stretch marks.
Massage Bellabaci is, without doubt, one of the most effective treatments to reduce cellulite, the aspiration from cups stimulates fibroblast cells to increase the production of collagen and elastin and drainage of blood and lymphatic circulation improved skin tone and texture is greatly improved. "The same effects also help to keep your skin looking younger in General."
The suction effect as deep four inches penetrates in the body and improves lymphatic circulation by a staggering 300% for a period of 8-12 hours after a massage Bellabaci.
These physiological effects can have a significant impact on many types of conditions, including inflammation of the tissues and joint sprains, strains and spasms, tired muscles, arthritis, back and joint pain, irritable bowel, lazy, colon, varicose veins, stretch marks, scar tissue and headaches, among many others.
Derrick z. Venter-Internet entrepreneur living in Cape Town, South Africa and writes on Bellabaci massage, a cupping therapy, known as acupuncture and treatment of cellulite