Friday, June 3, 2011

5 questions to ask of any health and Fitness Fad

at 9:00 PM
At this time of year the media is littered with fitness and diet information, eager to feed the masses of the people who over indulged in the festive period and are trying to get in shape for the summer. However, there are many choices and so many conflicting arguments: eat less calories--not counting calories, exercise 6 times a week – twice a week will be enough, weight training is crucial-in weight training, courses will be mass aerobics are a must-aerobic training is overrated ....
No wonder people are confused. With this in mind, I wanted to write a short article that breaks all nonsense, hokus pokus, all and gives simple facts that can be used as reference to any fitness craze you are going to undertake.
It is indeed possible to lose 2 stone in 4 weeks "or" drop a dress size in 3 hours "are these claims based in truth? The company owns try this backup? Any organization whether it's a gym, a slimming club, a personal trainer, etc. should have an extensive list of testimonies with images. If someones service works so shouldn't have a problem to prove
Did my grandparents having access to this? Seems like a strange statement, but bear with me. If the product of fitness or diet etc was not around when your grandparents were young then stay away from it. Our elder generations had lower rates of obesity, heart problems and a higher life expectancy (taking away mortality and war), to name a few. Foods containing ingredients cannot pronounce and machines that it would not seem out of place of Star Trek are new inventions and our bodies do not know how to cope with them. Body weight exercises and walking however have been around as long as we have.
Spot reduction is impossible (for the most part) of any product or practitioner, promising to catch inches from a certain area of the body are bending the truth. The only way to control where your body stores fat (e.g. arm or back to life) is to face any hormonal imbalance that is encouraging deposit of fat in that area. A car that blasts abdominals or zaps the arms, or any exercise that you are told you will reduce the fat in a certain area, does not affect the hormone system enough to change anything. Hormonal balance requires lifestyle changes, changes in diet, exercise and stress reduction changes, not the crunch Ab 3000.
Perfection kills the momentum. Sometimes pouring over a fitness magazine yourself to confusion about what ratio of fat to carbohydrate should eat, or exactly how many seconds should take rest between intervals of the outbreak, it is not the best thing to do. Sure, you should do some research on class, diet etc are going to start, but sometimes it's better to just get out there and get started. By the time you've decided exactly which fitness regimen do you intend to go forward, you have talked yourself out of it. No more deliberate or excuse doing, start now.
The motivation is outside but the motivation is internal. I know that I can motivate any client to engage and push themselves to the limit, and I know that I can inspire someone to live a healthier lifestyle, but takes inspiration from within in order to facilitate these changes. If your not completely focused on achieving your health and fitness goal no matter which service of fitness or diet starts ... Will not work.
If you want a formula that works actually book an appointment with a personal trainer and start seeing the results.